Have You Considered Adding Speaking to Your Artistic Expression of Self?

May 28, 2011

I am an artist, which means I have an inherent need to express myself.  As a songwriter, I express myself through creative lyrics and hooks.  As an author, I express myself with compelling plots and character dialogue.  As a mixed-media collage artist, I express myself with my color palette and design elements.  I use art to express myself, which means that I have something to say – something that burns so deeply in my heart that I can’t sleep peacefully until I share it with someone else.  This is the reason I sing, paint and write!

As an artist, I also have a certain level of expertise in using my artistic talent and medium of choice, not to mention personal experience with my subject matter (source of expression).  This simple truth opened my mind to a new possibility – expanding my artistic ministry to include speaking.  By including speaking as a vehicle for my expression I increase my ability to give meaning and clarity to my message, boost my visibility as an expert in the field, and increase in number my performances and shows.  How can that be bad?  It can’t!

If you too are feeling led to expand your ministry with public speaking to support your creative expression and personal message, I highly recommend two resources:

How to Speak So People Will Listen CD by Florence Littauer
Statistics continue to show that speaking in public is one of people’s greatest fears. Yet for many, putting together the perfect presentation is the key to professional success. Florence will guide you in planning, preparing, and presenting a program that will capture both the hearts and minds of the listeners. 90 minutes.

Talking So People Will Listen CD by Marita Littauer
All of us talk. Even if you are in a position where you can make people be quiet when you speak, you can’t make them listen. However, what you can do is adjust your approach to them so you can make it easier for them to really hear you! In this fast paced and entertaining tape based on her book, “Talking So People Will Listen”, Marita Littauer will help you identify your personal communication style and that of those with whom you live and work.  60 minutes.

Both CDs are instructional and insightful, and provide great suggestions for even a novice like me.  Florence Littauer is known universally for being entertaining, educational and encouraging all at the same time, and she has received special honors as a Legend in the speaking profession.  Marita has trained thousands of men and women in speaking and writing skills, is a member of the National Speakers Association and is a frequent guest on television and radio programs throughout the country.

For more information about this dynamic mother and daughter team, visit: http://www.classervices.com/florencespeaks.htm and http://www.programresources.com/spkr/littauer_marita.htm

And then ask yourself, “What have I got to lose, except maybe another peaceful night’s sleep”?